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India is a developing country where the growth rate is increasing and side by side waste material is also increased so there is a need of the management of waste material in India. Due to the increase in population, IT sector, new infrastructure projects and industrialization, the construction industry has shown very fast growth. Builders face the problem of financial difficulty due to the excessively material wastage in construction projects. The harmful effect of the waste material is on our general environment, philosophy of art, beauty and on our health. There are excessively wastage of material, inappropriate management of material and low awareness about reduction and proper utilization of waste material is very common in the local constructions sites in India. It is very economically expedient to recycling up to 80-85% of the total amounts of construction waste by the European countries. The Recycling technologies are used by them are very easy to apply and control the wastage of the material. There is a need to the management of the waste material because they play very harmful role in our country, in many cities waste material management is very big problem. There is no proper estimation of waste material in India because of the in disciplinary, less focused on this issue and absence of regulatory and strict administration. In this paper we are discussing about the method for the management and control of waste construction materials.   

The main objective of this work is to know about the sources of waste generation in the construction industry, to study about construction and demolition waste management, how to reduce the wastage and process of reducing the wastage etc. With the eduction of the wastage sources of the material is also increased, demand of increased population is also fulfilled and limited resources are also used.  

Additional sources of waste generation as those already known, such as a lack of attention paid to the sizes of the used products, lack of influence of contractors, and lack of knowledge about construction during design activities. A significant part of waste generation is caused by the building and construction industry. Reduction of Construction waste is therefore a major topic of the two days government all over the world. Construction companies benefit from reduced waste generation by lower deposition costs and lower purchasing costs of virgin materials. An overview is being presented of the main policy areas government concerning sustainability. This paper gives more focus on the importance of reduce, recur and recycle means concept of 3R for the management of the waste material. 

Keywords: Construction Waste, Management Techniques, Demolition and Waste Management

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